Waving Goodbye on Serpent Road

Weird to have an ongoing blog/website these days. What can I say I am a creature of habit that habitually procrastinates on that habit. Yes, I do realize that the overwhelming subject matter covered here is “New Noize” and I am constantly about music and today will be the same. Let me be clear there was no “New Noize” last night so for those that came for a set update, I will be back next week.

This past weekend I did come out with a playlist that centered on what I like to call “birthday math” cause that is a thing, at least now it is that I put it out there. The basic concept was to get duos that make up “11” kinda like 1and1 VS 1+1 if that makes sense, which it totally does if you let it. Now take that and times it by 4, so 4 tracks from 11 colabs equals this playlist:

Thanks to all who came out on Saturday & sent me messages all through the week, some of you humans seem to like me. Someone was asking me how the Final Fantasy Rebirth was during the “aging celebration” and I had to tell them I was waiting to start it which I am happy to report I have. It also happens to be Ramadan, perfect timing Square-Enix. If it wasn’t for RPGS during the holy month IDK what I would do.

Godzilla minus one won an Oscar. I wish it was for something other than special effects BUT I am way cool with this.

Something I am not cool with is the passing of the ANIIME GOD Akira Toriyama. This one stung hard. I am legit sad. This man is responsible for pouring miracle grow onto my imagination. Dragon Ball is life, at least for me. I was that guy and still am. I wore a tracksuit this past week cause Toriyama rocked them hard as well. Toriyama is also responsible for a ton of video game media including Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger. I can go on and on and on about this man’s legacy and I will, if you ask me, in real life. He captivated me in the 80s and I have been transfixed since. His art and stories gave me and my brothers a safe space to run around like the monkeys we are. As the years turned I found more humans who liked Toriyama’s work and friendships quickly formed from this collective fandom and fused into brotherly ties. When I was alone, with no one to help me move after destroying my left knee at the beginning of Covid it was Goku & Vegeta pushing me. Sounds silly for a 44-year-old man to be saying all this but it’s true. I’m just a regular guy that does cool stuff every once in a while. I don’t have the legacy of Nardwuar, the pull of Zane Lowe, the influence of Anthony Fantano, or the respect of Matt Pinfield. I do have the spirit of a Sayjin and for that gift, I am eternally grateful to the original Sayjin, Akira Toriyama, or as he is called by all his manga/anime peers “Sensei”.
